p.m. Sweet G's will have their bounce house beginning at 3 p.m. and fry bread will be available during that time as well. • Robert Johnson was one of the original members to start the transit service in the Groton community. Robert has served as the Groton Transit Board President since February 2005. Bob's dedication and commitment to this program was key in getting the transit off to a great start. Robert has been a long time servant of the community and state, serving in many capacities during the past 65 plus years. Robert has always been ready and willing to help make his community a better place. • Some of Robert's service included serving on the Methodist Church Council, James Valley Board of Directors and charter member, Groton Farmers Elevator Board, Charter member of the Groton Kiwanis Club, East River Electric board, Northern Electric board, S.D. Railroad board, chairman of the S.D. Education committee and a South Dakota Senator.