• Are we failures if we fail or do we fail because we are failures? • All of us fail at one time or another or at one task or another. Not because we do not try - because trying is not the problem. It is because we do not make use of the help - or power - that's available to us. God is ready to help us whenever we call upon Him. There are no preconditions. • Sometimes I think that David must have faced more problems than any other person in the Bible. But he knew what to do and where to go when things were about to destroy him. There were times when he was weak from suffering. There were days when doing what God called him to do caused some serious difficulties for him. When he faced these challenges, he knew where to go and what to do! • "Summon Your power, God; show us Your strength, our God, as You have done before." • God provides His strength when we suffer. Paul had no easy life. His life often seemed to go from bad to worse. But God said, "Paul, my grace will be sufficient for every problem you will ever face, my Son's presence in every cell you occupy and My healing each time you are beaten." • He gives us strength when He calls us to serve Him. An elderly lady was asked, "Where do you get all of your energy to help so many people?" "Well," she said, "the first thing I do in the morning is to connect with God's power through my time of prayer. As I put my hand in God's hand, I can feel His strength pass into me. Then I can do whatever it is He leads me to do in His name!" • Prayer: Help us, Lord, to believe that no matter what problems we face we can do all things through Your power. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 68:28 Summon your power, God; show us your strength, our God, as you have done before. •