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• "I love the job. I love the people who work here, and I thoroughly enjoy working with the inmate population," he said. • Weber said a new justice initiative that will divert low-level offenders has been overdue for South Dakota. • "I think if we can divert low-level drug offenders and chronic alcoholics and non-violent offenders from prison, I think that's just a fantastic thing because once you're in prison -- once you've been labeled as an inmate -- it's really hard to get your life back on track," he said. • Weber started his career as a correctional officer. He worked his way through the ranks and was promoted to training officer, major for special investigations and associate warden for security. He was named warden of the State Penitentiary in 1996 and chief warden overseeing all adult institutions in 1999. He also served as interim secretary of corrections in 2004-2005. •
SD panel cuts deer hunting licenses due to disease CHET BROKAW,Associated Press
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission set hunting rules Thursday that will reduce the number of deer that can be shot this fall to help the population recover from losses caused by a disease. • Chad Switzer, a program manager for the state Game, Fish and Parks Department, said the changes were prompted by epizootic hemorrhagic disease, a virus spread by a biting midge. Officials have said at least 3,400 deer died of EHD last year, and many more likely were killed by the disease because they were never found. • The commission approved an East River rifle season that will allow a total of 50,635 deer to be shot east of the Missouri River. That's a reduction of 7,950 tags from last year. The season runs Nov. 23-Dec. 8, and will reopen Dec. 28-Jan. 5 for hunters with unfilled tags for antlerless deer. • The West River season will allow resident hunters to shoot slightly more than 45,000 deer on western prairies, down more than 1,000 from last year. A small number of licenses also are issued for nonresidents. The rifle season in western South Dakota will run Nov. 16-Dec. 1 in most areas. Unfilled antlerless tags will be good Dec. 28-Jan. 5. • The number of licenses available in the Black Hills will be reduced only slightly from last year, with a few more than 3,500 being issued. • No one testified in person on the deer seasons at Thursday's meeting, but the (Continued on page 22)