(Continued from page 4)
• Here is where the language differential between husbands and wives shows itself. Unless you are familiar with English with a feminine twist, you are going to get trapped every time. • For example: when a husband says the word "run," he is referring to speed. When his wife uses the same word it means she is going to run into every store in sight within the mall with one agenda, and that is to buy. For which I can say bye-bye to my money. • Why don't local universities offer a degree in wifeology? They have degrees in everything else, why not here where it would be most useful. By the time I reach the equivalent of a doctorate in wifeology, I would be too old to do any good with it. • Those who insist there is no difference between a man and a woman have never been married to a woman. Husbands get into trouble assuming their wife is just like them and thinks just like them. • Exiting the shopping mall my wife looked at me, smiled and said, "Now, wasn't that good exercise." • I nodded as I walked to the car with both my hands filled with recently purchased items from the shopping mall. Now I know my part of the exercise was hauling her purchases to the car. Halfway to the car I had to stop and catch my breath and wondered if I would really make it to the car. • "Come on, we're done shopping for the day. Let's get to the car." • While driving home I was afraid my wife was going to wear out her smile. • "This has been a great day. We'll have to do this more often."
(Continued on page 6)