concerned about, when the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage posed a question. • It is in the area of questions I feel the most inadequate. Maybe it is because I have not heard all the questions yet, but I think I have come close. I should know that any question that comes from my wife has a hidden agenda. Usually, she asks questions that have no answers. • "Let's go out for lunch today," she said rather chipperly. Experience should have taught me that when she is chipper, I am in trouble, because I am always the chippee. "We have," she explained, "some gift cards for a restaurant across town." • Then she smiled and that should have been a giveaway for me. • When you mention lunch, and when you add the word "free" to it, I lose all sense of proportion and sanity, if I had any. Actually, to be honest about everything, it does not take much to scratch between my ears and get me purring. • Then she threw in a perk that sold me completely on the idea. I love perks. • "I'll drive."
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