Monday,  May 20, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 304 • 3 of 26 •  Other Editions

We're on the road this morning! Groton's three Destination Imagination teams are on the bus and on their way to Knoxville, Tenn, for a week-long trip.
The first stop is expected to be in Kansas City, Mo., around 6:30 p.m. We left Groton at 9:40 this morning.
Getting ready was perhaps a huge challenge for us. But then

came a time when it was ready, set, go.
Julie Milbrandt just handed out the list of teams from South Dakota going the Destination Imagination Global Finals. Groton has more teams than any other school with two senior level teams and one elementary team. Elk Point-Jefferson, Elkton, St. Michael's School, Tri-Valley and Rapid City Douglas each have two teams and Aberdeen, Brandon Valley, Todd County and Watertown each have one team.
Trying to put together the GDI on a bus is also interesting. I have to use my knee as a mouse pad for the mouse. While the laptop has its own mouse, there are certain things that are faster with a real mouse. Then right after I had typed that, I discovered some shortcuts which are coming in real handy.

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