Groton News
DeLoris Knoll, Grace Albrecht, and Iva McCullough, accompanied Lee Schinkel to Claremont, last Tuesday evening, for the initiation of a new candidate into Adah Chapter # 52, Order of the Eastern Star, at Claremont.
Kiwanis Club • Steve and Lori Giedt served an indoor picnic lunch to nineteen members of the Groton Kiwanis Club, last Wednesday noon. Tom Mahan was the program leader, and introduced Brian Schuring, GHS athletic director, who gave an update on this year's track season. There are 44 tracksters out this spring. • A past president's gavel was presented to Suzi Oliver. • Following the regular Kiwanis Club meeting, the 60th anniversary committee met. Committee members present were Dan Dalchow, Tom Paepke, Kathy Sundermeyer, Tom Mahan, Lee Schinkel, Suzi Oliver, and Chuck Raap.