• It's been wisely said that "If He is not Lord of all He is not Lord at all. If we do not value Him above all, we do not really value Him at all." Strong are words that find their conclusion when we say, "Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord." There is a natural progression that begins with Jesus as our Savior and ends with Him as our Lord. • Shouting in a loud voice with words that came from the bottom of his heart, David proclaimed, "Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be over all the earth." • With God being Who He is and What He is and you and I being who we are and what we are, establishes a very specific relationship. It declares His role and our role: He is our Sovereign. And as our Sovereign we are to be submissive to Him. All that we are or ever will be and all that we have or ever will have is a result of the grace and mercy that comes from Him: our Sovereign. • If God were not Sovereign, He would have no authority to dispense grace and mercy. That is what sovereigns do: they rule over their subjects and choose who will receive their favor. And the more power that any sovereign has the more important and precious is the grace and mercy they bestow upon their subjects. • Our Sovereign said, "Whoever chooses me to be their Savior and Lord will receive my love, mercy and grace and will have eternal life with me." He also said, "Remember I am with you every step of life's journey to protect you." No wonder David said, "Be exalted, O God." • Prayer: How grateful we are, Father, for the blessings You give us each day. We bow before You in humility. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 57:5 Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; Let Your glory be above all the earth. • •