(Continued from page 3)
• Malerie Yeaton was approved for an amended contract. She will be part time vocal for the next year. Helping her with the vocal music program will be Lea Kooiman. Also receiving amended contracts were Meri Erickson and Jan Seibel, they both added senior class advisors to their duties. Approval was given to hire Susan Fjeldheim as a fifth grade teacher. • Open enrollment applications were accepted for three kindergarteners for next year, two from Aberdeen and one from Doland. There was also a school exemption approved for the current year. The parents had sent the application to the state; Groton's approval was just a formality to finish up the paperwork. • The 1993 Ford Tauras was declared surplus and the board will advertise for sealed bids. The car needs extensive motor repair. • The board moved into executive session to discuss several issues.