Monday, May 13, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 297 • 6 of 28 • Other Editions
Laurie Gardner and Ellen Harms led the prayer at the start of the commencement program.(Photo #5993 by Paul Kosel)
Superintendent Laura Schuster gave the welcome and presented the Class of 2013. (Photo #5991 by Paul Kosel)
Lincoln Lane and Mikaela Kavanaugh were the senior speakers. (Photo #5994 by Paul Kosel)
School board member Lars Hanson presented Robert Groeblinghoff with a plaque for his 10 years of being a bus driver. Steve Schaller was also recognized for his 13 years on the school board. (Photo #5999 by Paul Kosel)
Layne Howard presented a check school board member Lars Hanson. The funds were designated for the Groton Tech program. (Photo #5997 by Paul Kosel)