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either very young are getting very old. The former is not the issue, and I will take issue with the latter. • I must admit that there was a time in my life when I did not take time out for naps. In fact, I had a hard time going to bed before midnight. I hated going to bed and could not wait until morning came so I could jump out of bed and get back to work. Do not get me wrong, I was not a workaholic. I just liked what I was doing. • I am not sure when it started but I noticed a few years ago I was not resisting going to bed like before. I did not fight it is much as I used to. If the truth were known, hopefully it won't be, as soon as my head hit the pillow the Sandman started doing his thing. • It was not long before I started sneaking 40 winks in the afternoon. • I distinctly remember one afternoon when my wife came in and said, "You're not taking a nap, are you?" • I know lying is not a good thing, especially to your spouse. Sometimes when you are in a fixed such as I was in at that moment, the truth scampers in the opposite direction. • "No," I stuttered as she looked at me. "I was just meditating." • "I guess everybody snores when they're meditating," she said with a smirk on her face. • From then on, it was a game trying to get in a nap without getting into trouble. I did find out that after one of my "power naps" I was able to do a lot more work. However, I kept that bit of information to myself. • Then my whole world changed. • Don't you like it when something happens proving you are right? It does not happen very often to me, when it does, I relish it like a freshly baked Apple Fritter.
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