Sunday, May 12 Mother's Day 9:00am: Emmanuel Lutheran Worship (SS Sings, Honor HIS Graduates) 9:15am: Groton C&MA School 10:00am: Worship at the Lord's House, Pierpont, with SS to Follow 10:15am: Emmanuel Lutheran School 10:15am: Groton C&MA Fellowship Lunch 10:45am: Groton C&MA Worship service (Mother's Day/Graduation) 11:00am: United Methodist Church Worship 2:00 pm: GHS Graduation
Monday, May 13 School Breakfast: Muffin, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk. School Lunch: Hot dog or brats, chips, baked beans, brownie. 6:30am: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study 6:00pm: U11B Dynamo vs. Tiger Claws SC10-5 6:00pm: U12-14B United vs. Brazil SC12-3 6:00pm: U6G Prancing Tigers vs. Lollipops SC6-7 6:30pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Bible Study 7:00pm: U5G Purring Tigers vs. Diamonds SC6-2 7:00pm: U5G Tiny Tigers vs. Roses SC6-1 7:30pm: U7G Kit Kats vs. Gators SC8-6 7:30pm: U9B Barcelona vs. Dynamo SC10-2 7:30 pm: School Board Meeting
Tuesday, May 14 School Breakfast: Breakfast pizza, juice, milk, fruit. School Lunch: Cook's Choice. 10:00am: United Methodist Women's Bible Study 6:00pm: U10G Galaxy vs. Tiger Lilies SC10-6 6:00pm: U5B Growling Tigers vs. Lightning SC6-2 6:00pm: U5B Prowling Tigers vs. Twisters SC6-6 7:00pm: Emmanuel Lutheran Church Council 7:00pm: WOW Practice 7:30pm: U12-14G Revolution vs. Typhoon SC12-2 7:30pm: U8B Crew vs. Dynamo SC8-5 7:30pm: U9G Cosmic Cats vs. Lightning SC10-6