Jills & Jeans 4-H Club
• The Jills & Jeans 4-H Club met Sunday May 5th, 2013 at the Zion Luthern Church, Andover, SD. The meeting was called to order by Vise President John Schwab. Flag pledges were led by Nick and Emily Schwab. • Nine members answered roll call: Your favorite spring flower. Secretaries report was read and approved. Treasures report was read and approved. • Club old business: discussed June dairy month and are waiting for baseball schedule to come out to schedule our event. Watch our facebook page for further dates and information. We talked about asking the South Dakota Jersey Queen coming & helping at our event. • Club new business: We have lots of important dates coming up. Keep an eye on our facebook page to make sure you get everything in on time. • Alexandra Schwab made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Steven Paulson seconded the motion. Caleb Furney gave a talk on wrestling. • Next meeting will be July 14th at 4pm. Farm tours will end at Paulsons with a family potluck.
• Sumitted by: Steven Paulson