• Groton coaches, athletes and parents attended the annual Kiwanis Athletic Banquet recently. Dan Dalchow, president of the Groton Kiwanis, gave the opening remarks and welcomed everyone to the banquet. The invocation was delivered by Pastor Bill Duncan. • Jan Seibel, president of the booster PAC, presented $50 checks to four High School parents who participated in the concession stand raffle. Winners were Jennifer Thompson, Lana Jondahl, Wade Marhzan, and Trisha Keith. She also awarded the senior blanket raffle to Brook Anderson. • Head football Coach Shaun Wanner highlighted the football season and announced this year's team award winners. Football Team Award Winners were: Tyler Holm, Most Improved Player; Dalton Locke, Most Valuable Lineman and Most Valuable Defensive Player; Gabe Dohman, Scout Team Most Valuable Player; and Kasey Kurtz, Most Valuable Offensive (Continued on page 4)