(Continued from page 22)
• Daugaard is requesting public assistance in seven counties: Douglas, Hutchinson, Lincoln, McCook, Minnehaha, Turner and Shannon. • Damage to public and private nonprofit property is estimated at more than $11 million from the storm that dropped more than 26 inches of snow on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and left more than 115,000 without power in the southeastern position of the state. • "The tree debris covered public roads and sidewalks, which caused public health and safety issues because emergency traffic was unable to drive down the roadways and citizens were unable to evacuate their homes until the tree debris was cleared from roads," Daugaard wrote. • The governor said South Dakota is still recovering from Missouri River flooding in 2011, as well as seven Presidential disaster declarations in 2010. • "The costs associated with this disaster, combined with the last eight declarations, increases the state's financial stress if federal assistance is not provided," he wrote. • Daugaard's request is necessary for federal disaster funds to be made available to South Dakota. If President Obama grants the declaration, up to 75 percent of eligible costs could be reimbursed by the federal government. •
Cooler temperatures slows planting of row crops
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Unseasonably cool temperatures across South Dakota slowed planting of row crops and pasture growth. • The U.S. Department of Agriculture says in its weekly crop report that despite the cooler temperatures, producers had 4.3 days suitable for fieldwork. • Winter wheat conditions were rated 31 percent very poor, 31 percent poor, 32 percent fair, 6 percent good and 0 percent excellent. • Calving was 85 percent complete and lambing was 90 percent complete. • Cattle and calf conditions were rated 3 percent poor, 29 percent fair, 60 percent good, and 8 percent excellent. •
SD governor heading to Minn. to recruit workers
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard is heading to Minnesota next week to try to recruit workers to the Mount Rushmore State. • Daugaard will be at the Mall of America on May 13 to visit with shoppers and answer questions about relocating to South Dakota.
(Continued on page 24)