had to do with her memory. She could remember everything. • All I had to do was ask dear old mom and she knew the answer. She knew everything. No matter the topic, she had an opinion about it, which truly amazed me as a young person. • Before I went to school, my mother was my entire world. From the time I got up in the morning until she tucked me in bed at night, she was the master of my world. Whatever I could do, she was the one who allowed me to do it. • Looking back, I can remember when my father got home from work in the evening he gave my mother a little break from looking after me and my brother and sister. If memory serves me correctly, my father watched us by lying on the couch snoring. I never could figure out how he could do that but it was his way of watching us and helping mom. • As a young person, anything I wanted I had to requisition it from dear old mom. The thing that always amazed me was that she always had what I needed. I have (Continued on page 4)