• It was time to climb into bed after reading a story from the Bible. "Now Edie," said her Mom, "be sure to kneel down and say your prayers before climbing into bed." Kissing her gently, she reminded her that she would be downstairs making sure she would be safe. • The next morning at breakfast her mom said, "Well, Edie, did you say your prayers before you fell asleep?" • "Well, sort of, Mom," she replied. "I got down on my knees and started to pray. Then I thought, 'God, You must get bored with this kind of stuff night after night. Why don't You listen carefully and I'll tell You the story of The Three Bears.' So I snuggled in bed and told Him the story of The Three Bears. I really think He enjoyed it." • God gave us no specific formulae to follow when we pray. In Jesus' model prayer we are reminded of all of the important things that we are to take to God in prayer. Jesus, in Gethsemane, set a marvelous example. His prayers were simple, sincere and straight forward. • David knew it was not necessary to follow a formula. "Hear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth," is how he began a prayer on one occasion. Then with openness and honesty he said what he had to say and God responded and met his immediate needs. • God is that way. When we have a need all we have to do is to go to Him in faith and express our needs. • Prayer: We are so thankful, Lord, that when we pray there are no necessary words. Only a sincere heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 54:2 Hear my prayer, O God; Give ear to the words of my mouth. •