clothes line, planting and cultivating corn, harvesting wheat, or putting up hay. And don't forget sitting on a boat waiting for the walleye to bite, hitting a little white ball around trying to put it into a hole in the ground, or laying on a towel feeling the warm rays console after a too long Dakota winter. • It turns out that all those rays from the sun do something very good and important for us, but at the same time, do something that can be very bad. • First the advantages: Exposure to the sun allows for melatonin level swings that encourages a good night's sleep and a positive mood. Also the sun provides for the natural production of vitamin D that stimulates calcium and phosphate regulation, which in turn encourages bone growth and proper remodeling. • Although not proven, vitamin D is thought to be important also in cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, elderly falls reduction, immune function, all bringing a reduced death rate. We need more data to prove these last theories, but to sum it up: (Continued on page 10)