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Zealand) bracket the inner white area, there is only a hard-to-see faint penumbral eclipse. To view tonight's partial umbral eclipse, you really have to live within the whiter portions on this map. • From the most of Europe and western Africa, the moon will be partially eclipsed shortly after sunset on April 25. Look low in your eastern sky. Binoculars may help you view the eclipse in the haze of dusk. • From the Middle East and western Asia, the partial eclipse happens at late night or around midnight April 25/26. The moon will be high in the sky in this part of the world. • From Australia, Indonesia or eastern Asia, the lunar eclipse takes place before sunrise on April 26. Look low in your western sky. Again, binoculars may help you to better see the eclipse in the haze of morning twilight. • What time should I watch for the eclipse? An eclipse happens at the same moment for the entire Earth, and thus our clocks say different times. We give the eclipse times below in Universal Time. Click here to find out how to convert Universal Time to the clock time in your time zone. • Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 18:03:38 UT • Partial Eclipse Begins: 19:54:08 UT • Greatest Eclipse: 20:07:30 UT • Partial Eclipse Ends: 20:21:02 UT • Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 22:11:26 UT •