• "You are not prepared to live," said the professor to his philosophy class, "until you are ready to die." Few, if any, live with that thought in mind. • When he was twenty years old, David was diagnosed with cancer. After a careful examination the attending physician said to him, "I'm sorry, but you have only a short time to live. At the most, two years." David took the news without flinching. He had accepted Christ as his Savior six months before he was given the news. • As the disease progressed and his health deteriorated his faith continued to grow. And as his faith grew so did his willingness to witness and he gained a boldness about sharing God's grace. On one occasion he said, "Cancer brought me to my knees and I realized I had no control over my life." • During a visit with one of his physicians he was asked, "Do you want to live a short time for God or a long time for nothing?" He responded by saying, "Whether I live a short time or a long time it will be for God. My life is in His hands." • Shortly before his death his mother would walk into his room and ask, "David, are you still here?" Each time he would answer, "Yes, Mother. I'm still here." • On the last day of his life she went into his room and asked, "David are you still here?" His reply that day was, "Yes, Mother, but not for much longer. I'm going home." He looked around the room and said, "Mother, faith is a lighted room." • Where does a faith like David's come from? "God will redeem my life from the grave," said the Psalmist, "he will surely take me to Himself." It comes from faith in Christ. • David lived his life knowing he was ready to die. • Prayer: We are grateful, Lord, for the confidence we have in You knowing that we are redeemed through the work of Christ. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 49:15 But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave, For He shall receive me. • •