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• Biology I - Travis Kurth • The 10th grade students have discussed DNA and its role in genetics. We have learned how genes can be passed on from one generation to the next. Using that information, we have just finished discussing Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection. From there we will begin to talk about Classification Systems. We will discuss form, structure and function in each of the kingdoms starting with Archaebacteria and progressing to the last kingdom which is Animals. • • Life Science - Travis Kurth • We have been spending time in the areas of plants and animals. We finished talking about plants at the beginning of this quarter and are just finished discussing fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. We then progress into talking about animal behavior. The last four weeks we will talk about ecosystems, biodiversity and the environment. • • Earth Science - Travis Kurth • The 8th grade earth science classes are talking about the Earth's atmosphere. We have discussed what it is made up of and the different layers comprising the atmosphere. When we discuss that we then can talk about how air moves and why it moves. We discuss the heating of the earth by the sun and how temperature changes can influence the movement of air creating currents. Now we are talking about weather and how it changes. This seems really appropriate considering our weather patterns in this wonderful state of ours. • • World History - Mr. Thorson • Over the course of the past few weeks we have discussed a wide variety of events from American independence to the industrial revolution. The kids have also completed projects where they have to think of important inventions during the late 1700's that changed civilization or at least made a major impact. Some very interesting ideas came from this project from the light bulb to duct tape! Soon we will learn about the world wars and see how these hostilities changed man kind. During the last week of school the freshmen will be doing some community service by filling planters with dirt and planting flowers to be placed on Main Street. • • World Geography - Mr. Thorson • We have been very busy in Geography trying to get through all the countries of the world before the end of the year. By then all students will have to be able to identify all the countries of the world. Not at the same time, however. This is a pretty (Continued on page 17)