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• Being in such a high spirit, I sang my affirmative answer to her in spite of her glaring in my direction. I did not care. I would have jumped over the moon if she had asked at the time. Lucky for me, she did not ask. • I was in such a good mood that I thought a shopping trip would be okay. Let it be known that when it comes to shopping, shopping and me go together like peanut butter and lobster tail. It was such a wonderful day and I felt so terrific I agreed to go shopping for my wife. Not that I needed a new wife, the one I have is fine, thank you. • When I entered the store, I had a nagging feeling that something was wrong. Being in such a great mood that I was in, I shook it off and rebuked it firmly. • In record time, I found the item my wife needed. Dancing and singing up the aisle, I went immediately to the checkout counter. When I got there, I found nobody there. On the counter was a bell and next to the bell, a sign that read, "Ring bell for cashier." • Being in such a great mood, I rang the bell to the tune of the song I was singing at the time. After all, happy is as happy shares, and I had my share of happiness at the time. • Then I heard it. • "All right," growling from the back of the store, "I heard ya. I'll be there when I get there." • If I would have stopped there, it might not have gotten out of hand. Being in the (Continued on page 4)