(Continued from page 20)
make some hard decisions in the future about the lunch program. Do they raise the price of the school lunch or reduce the current staff to make ends meet? • St John's Lutheran Pre-school will have the use of a school bus and driver for their field trip to Watertown Bramble Park Zoo on May 3. The pre-school will pay all expenses. • With the school year soon coming to a close, it's time to start looking to next year and the board approved issuing the 2013-2014 administrative and teaching contracts to the current staff, although some teachers have already decided not to return or make changes in their duties. • Approval was given to accept the resignation of April Coyne as the 6th - 12th computer teacher and for Kendra Kettner as the jr high/ high school para-professional. Cheryl Hanson will have a reduction in her hours from full time to 6/7 time for next year due to lower enrollment number in the junior high. Adam Franken resigned as the yearbook advisor. • The resignation of Chris Kucker as the 5th grade teacher and head wrestling coach was approved. The Driver's ed fees will be $250 per student with Shaun Wanner being the instructor at the same pay as last year. The board authorized the advertising for an elementary teacher with or without coaching and a computer science teacher with additional teaching responsibilities and with or without coaching..
• - Char Telkamp