Andover Friendship Garden Club
The Andover Friendship Garden Club met at the Golden Living Center with Gladys Dirks as hostess on April 4, 2013. President Velma Witt called the meeting to order with the flag pledges and club pledge recited in unison. All fine members answered roll call question "Did you get April fooled ?" The March minutes were read and approved Treasurer Elizabeth Abernathy reported that the donation to the Presidents Fund and the dues were paid leaving us a balance on the hand of$71.84. There were no bills presented. There were correspondences. Being no further business the meeting was adjourned. Glady gave her topic on rhubarb. Linda Witt reported on PBS/public televisions "The Social Lives of Plant." Linda also shared her club pictures for our annual scrapbook, the May 2 meeting will be at Ilene's place. • Sec. Ilene Helmer •
Andover Senior Citizens
• The Andover seniors held their monthly meeting April 5, 2013 at 2 p.m. Cards were played and lunch was enjoyed. • Anita Horecka of Benson,MN visited her sister Ilene Helmer for three days and together they did some Spring Cleaning for their mother, Violet Wellwan of Aberdeen.