Simon, Kulwicki to receive State FFA Degrees
• Stephen Simon and Lauren Kulwicki will be among the 265 South Dakota FFA members who will receive their State FFA Degree at the 85th South Dakota State FFA Convention held in Brookings, S.D., April 14-16, 2013. Four of those individuals will be recognized as the State Star Farmer, Star in Agribusiness, Star in Ag Placement and Star in Agriscience, • The State FFA Degree is the highest degree of membership conferred by the South Dakota FFA Association. The requirements for this degree include: • Having earned and productively invested at least $1,000, or worked at least 300 hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof, in a Supervised Agricultural Experience program. • Demonstrated leadership ability by performing ten procedures of Parliamentary Law, giving a six-minute speech on an agriculture or FFA-related topic and serving as an officer, committee chairperson or participating member of a chapter committee.