Groton Area School News
Elementary Principal ~ Dan Dalchow • Spring is here and so is the warm weather. That is how I started last year's March newsletter. South Dakota is the land of infinite variety. One year we have extreme warmth, the next year record breaking cold. Please stay informed when it comes to the weather as it has been my experience that students will sometimes dress the way they want to regardless of what the temperature or weather is outside. "I want to be where the weather fits my clothes" lyrics sometimes appear to be what some students are thinking. • Our Dakota Step tests are coming up this month for students in grades 3-5. (April 9-12) You should see some letters and other information about this very important test sometime in the near future. To be prepared and do your very best, students should have a regular routine of proper rest and nutrition with limited distractions if at all possible. If you are planning on something, try to avoid this week as disruptions to routines tend to effect student performance. • If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me during school hours. • Mr. Dan Dalchow ~ Principal Groton Area Elementary School Elementary Phone # 397-2317 E-mail: dan.dalchow@k12.sd.us • • Preschool - Paula Johnson • Wow! It has been a crazy February and March so far in preschool! With all the late starts, we have had to adjust our schedule several times. It's a good thing kids (Continued on page 3)