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• FACS IV - Mrs. Tietz • Quilting, quilting, quilting!!! That is what filled third quarter in FACS IV. The students enjoyed choosing their own quilt pattern and fabric. They then bring them to life as the quarter goes on. They will soon be completing them and will be displayed at the FCCLA Style Show in May. This senior filled class will finish their high school days off in FACS in a scrapbooking unit where they will be able to scrapbook some high school memories and then they will be making a padded bulletin board in which they can display pictures at their graduation receptions and then take them to wherever their plans take them. FACS IV students made aprons as well this year, most chose a more detailed pattern. All students in FACS classes will model their aprons and other sewing projects in the style show "Aprons on Parade".
• Personal Finance - Mrs. Tietz • Personal Finance students began the semester in a unit focused on their values, needs and wants. They also have spent a lot of time writing financial and educational goals for themselves, as they will soon be experiencing life on their own soon. They have also explored the financial life cycle, spending plans, budgeting for life events, and savings and investing . We are currently studying the housing and the benefits of renting vs. buying, how to locate and secure a place to live, and how this fits into your budget.
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