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• 3rd/4th/5th/6th PHY. ED. - Brian Schuring • The physical education classes are actively participating in their games unit, plus getting in shape with muscular and cardiovascular workouts. The games we have been playing are: Flag Tag, Capture the Flag, Pin Guard, Kickball, Mat Ball, Relay Races, and Scooter Races. As far as getting into shape, we have done various warm-ups to help us increase our muscular and cardiovascular endurance. We have a activity that really stresses our physical endurance, that day we call "Arnold Day", which is exercises done at certain stations. • • 7-12 Vocal Music - Mrs. Yeaton • Greetings! This winter has gone by fast and I can hardly believe we are preparing for the POPS Concert and spring concerts! Back in February, several High School vocal music students had a great day at Solo and Ensemble Contest in Aberdeen. We came home with ten superior vocal solo awards and superior ratings for both of our girls' groups and Chamber Choir. In addition to the superior awards, there were three duets, fifteen solos, and a boys' group that performed. • The High School Choir is currently getting ready for Large Group Contest, which is March 27 at the Johnson Fine Arts Center in Aberdeen. We will be performing two songs for three professional judges. We will receive a rating and also spend time with a judge in a critique session. • The Show Choir's competition season is over and now we are looking forward to the POPS Concert, which is April 7 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm. We had a very successful competition season, receiving Grand Champion at the Center Stage Competition in Aberdeen and 1st Place in our division at the Show Choir Classic in Mitchell. We were unable to travel to the Best of Show Competition in Sioux Falls due to weather. • We hope to see you at our POPS Concert April 7 and at the 6-12 Spring Concert May 6 at 7:00pm! • • 8th Grade Science - Mrs. Duncan • We have just finished our cybermission project. This is a 3 month long project that students work in groups to design and implement a project that is addressing a community need. Projects this year included educating our student body on the effects of bullying, recycling plastic bottles in our school, eating healthy and managing wetlands.
• 7th Grade Social Studies - Mrs. Duncan • We have been learning about the countries of the world this year. We have (Continued on page 16)