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• • 7th Grade Computers - Ms. Coyne • Seventh graders are on a nine week rotation with other exploratory classes. Through this class students are introduced to the basic features of Microsoft Office. They touch base with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint basics. They learn basic formatting skills that will be used and built on throughout their educational experience, and future careers. Students also continue to build on their keyboarding skills. Students are expected to be typing at 25 wpm with 96% accuracy by the completion of the course. • • 8th Grade Computers - Ms. Coyne • Eighth graders are on a nine week rotation with other exploratory class. Through this class students continue to build on the skills learned during their seventh grade experience. They learn more basic and advanced features of Microsoft Office Suite. Students work on reports, spreadsheets, graphs, and presentation skills. This is their last formal computer class until their sophomore year so I try to pack anything other teachers might use in other classes as they continue on their educational journey. Students are expected to increase typing skills by typing at 30 wpm with 96% accuracy by the end of the quarter. • • 7TH Grade Phy. Ed. - Brian Schuring • The students in the 4th group of 7th grade physical education class are participating in the units of indoor soccer ant touch football. In these units the students have learned the importance of team play, positioning on the field, offensive and defensive formations and basic rulings made during the game. In the near future, the class will be starting the unit of badminton. Badminton is considered a good sport to help build and maintain overall fitness.
• 8TH Grade Phy. Ed. - Brian Schuring • The students in the 4th group of 8th grade physical education class have been getting in shape with weightlifting and circuit training unit. Like many forms of exercise, weight training helps to develop both overall fitness and a well-muscled, defined and toned physique. The students use circuit training primarily for training beginning athletes and when space, time, and equipment are limited. Also, for sports that require muscular endurance. The next unit for this group will be tennis. Tennis requires agility, speed and almost continuous motion on the part of the player.
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