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roadways. No unauthorized golf carts will be allowed in the show areas or restricted areas. Please refer to the map issued with the golf cart permit for restricted areas. • 9. No more than the allotted number of people can ride on available seating on golf carts. • 10. Golf carts are required to yield to pedestrians at all times. • 11. No golf carts can be operated without lighted headlights from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise. • 12. Operation of a golf cart while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited by state law. No person may possess or consume alcohol or drugs while operating a golf cart on State Fair property; violators are subject to arrest for DUI. • 13. Careless driving or behavior that endangers or would likely endanger any person or property will not be tolerated. • 14. Failure to abide by the rules will result in the operator's permit being revoked and possible removal from the premises. • 15. Golf carts for the disabled are to be used for transporting disabled individuals only. The disabled individual must be present while the cart is being operated.