Council meeting has visitors
• The short council meeting was also short of a full board Monday evening. Both Mayor Roy Olson and Councilman Gary Heitmann had taken ill during the day and were unable to be at the meeting. Brett Anderson ran the meeting. New board members Mary Fliehs and Michelle Muilenberg were also present as well as mayor candidate Kevin Nehls. Fliehs has attended the past two meetings as well. The city-wide election is set for next Tuesday. • The short meeting was also short on decisions. There was discussion on wind power regulations, but it was tabled. The soccer lease with the school was also postponed until school officials can be visited. Everyone was reminded of the spring garbage hauling route. A report was given on the electric superintendent's conference held in Watertown. • Three election workers were appointed for the city election--Pat Larson, Marion Raines and Sheri McKiver. Finance Officer Anita Lowary said that she had to go through 13 people to find these three workers. • It was decided to go ahead with fall clean up to help keep traffic off the streets in the spring. Digging quotations were reviewed and will be a part of the minutes. The auditor had mentioned in his report that digging quotes should be sought. Olson Backhoe and Trenching had the low quote. • An escrow account was set up in the amount of $15,482.07. This is equal to a one month payment on the transformer lease. • First reading was given on the definition of an employee. The issue at hand is deciding if such positions as finance officer and chief of police are actually hired or appointed. More research is being done in this area.