Ron Belden
Fiancιe Julie Pigors Two sons: Garrett and Greg, and a daughter, Alicia Grandchildren Hunter, Addison and Brantley Dog: Marlie Occupation: Outside Sales for Sturdevants Refinish Supply Center Church Affiliation: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton In lieu of direct answers to the questions I will give you a brief overview These are great questions you are asking the candidates. My response would be Why are the current city officials not asking the citizens of Groton these questions? I do have opinions to all of these questions. If elected to the council I don't believe I should be going to the meetings with my opinions. I should be going with the opinions of the citizens of Groton. I think as a city official you need to be out in the public hearing the concerns and opinions of the citizens. Currently I hear citizens talking and don't see anyone listening. This is not a bashing of the current city officials I just think it has become a trend and it needs to change. According to the annual report published in the Groton Independent, the city took in close to $2 million in 2012. What are your experiences or qualifications in running a multimillion dollar business? In 2012 my account purchased close to 1.5 million dollars of product from me. (Continued on page 12)