I've got Easter on my mind Dr. James L. Snyder
• I am not one to boast, at least not about myself unless someone is listening, but I do give some time to exercising the little gray cells in my mind. Many people, no names given, spend most of their time yapping while people like me spend their time napping. While napping, I am also exercising my mind. • Some people exercise their mind by doing crossword puzzles. I tried this but every once in a while I'll think of the right word and then that word makes me think of something else and that makes me think of something else altogether and pretty soon I'm off on one of my little mind trips. • One thing about these little mind trips of mine, they do not cost very much and when I come to, I am quite refreshed. • One danger about my little mind trips is that sometimes I am not alone when I am tripping out. This can be quite dangerous to my health. • Last week, for example, I was driving across town and happened to engage in one of my little mind trips. It must have been a good one because I was thoroughly
enjoying my trip and then I began to hear in the background a variety of words that did not seem connected nor did they make sense. These words did not have anything whatsoever to do with the little trip I was on at the time. • Then the words started to fall into some kind of an order. Are... You... Listening... To... What... I'm... Saying? • At first, they did not seem connected and to be truthful it rather upset me because these words were interrupting a very nice mind trip I was on at the time. I hate it when I am interrupted by such nonsense. • For some reason I happened to glance over to my right and was shocked to discover that the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage was sitting in the passenger seat. At first, I thought I was hallucinating. However, she was (Continued on page 10)