broiled in a debate over how to best address the growing cost of health insurance in our country. ObamaCare, which was signed into law in March of 2010, was pitched to the American people as a way to lower the cost of health care. Throughout the 2008 election cycle, candidate Obama repeatedly claimed that his health care bill would cut premiums by an average of $2,500 per family. Unfortunately, while the president got his health care bill, the American people did not get lower premiums, and instead the "Affordable" Care Act is projected to increase medical claims costs in South Dakota by 29 percent in the individual market according to a new study by the Society of Actuaries. • While the nonpartisan Society of Actuaries report is the latest study examining the rising cost of premiums due to ObamaCare, it is not the first. The American Academy of Actuaries also published a report with similar findings in the fall of 2012. Even the Obama Administration has recently acknowledged that some people could see their premiums rise under the health care reform law. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told reporters that, "Some people purchasing (Continued on page 3)