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looking back at me! • I stared at her for a minute and then demanded, "What are you doing in my car?" • She gave me one of those looks indicating I was in serious trouble. Then it dawned on me. We were going across town to go shopping. For some reason I had tuned everything out and slipped into a wonderful mind trip. • Well, for the rest of the trip I was listening to a voice but that voice was not in my head; it was in my ears. Both of them. I had to leave my little mind trip for another occasion when I was by myself. • I must confess that when I get on one of those mind trips of mine I lose sense of everything around me. I have a very active mind; of course, my wife says I have a very active imagination. I am not sure the difference, and I am not about to ask her, either. Some mysteries in life should be just that. A mystery. • One mind trip that I get on to about this time a year is Easter. Lately I have had Easter on my mind. • I know the word "Easter," is not a very politically correct word today. But then I am not running for politics, in fact, I am running away from politics as much as possible. I like the word Easter. • In some places, they are changing the Easter Bunny to the Spring Bunny and the Easter Egg Hunt to the Spring Egg Hunt. This is supposed to be more PC tolerable. After all, it is important that we should be PC in everything we do. • Those people who object to the word "Easter," I wonder if they really know where it came from. • To some the Easter Bunny has some kind of a religious connotation. Personally, I never discovered what denomination the Easter Bunny is a member of. Where does the Easter Bunny attend church? The First Church of the Easter Egg Hunt? • It has become a popular thing not to tolerate religion in our country. Well, let me correct that. We tolerate all religions except Christianity. • It is too bad the people who cannot tolerate Christianity are unable to read. I think it is sad this generation is not able to read anymore, because if they were, they might read some of the history of this country and discover it was founded on Christian principles. Imagine that! • I can understand why people are confused about Easter with the Easter Bunny and the Easter Egg. Most are confused about how the Easter Bunny can lay Easter Eggs. They are only familiar with Bugs Bunny and everybody knows he cannot lay an egg. So, where do these mysterious Easter Eggs come from? • Laying all that nonsense aside, and that is all it is, Easter has some very wonderful memories for me. Say what they will, nothing they say can undermine the won (Continued on page 11)