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tion. • The last day of the 2013 Session, also known as Veto Day, was officially Monday, March 25th. Governor Daugaard vetoed SB 115 to increase the commercial fertilizer inspection fee for related research. The intention of this fee increase was to help farmers be more effective and money wise and protect streams and lakes from nutrient runoff. This bill would have raised the fee on fertilizer by 15 cents per ton and would have provided $300,000 for research at SDSU. The bill had passed out of the Senate by a 30-5 margin but eight Senators switched their votes to no and the bill was two votes short of the required 2/3rds to override the veto. Two line item vetoes by the Governor were done to clarify how money is to be distributed to post-secondary technical institutions. • I returned to Pierre on Wednesday and Thursday of the week as I have been selected to serve on the Water Development Oversight Committee. Our job is to oversee the Board of Water and Natural Resources as they make decisions concerning funding for water, sewage, and solid waste projects throughout the state. We had a few communities from District Two involved in the session. Aberdeen was awarded a loan for a drainage project and Brentford was awarded a loan and a grant for a sewer project. Clark made an application for funds for a water project. The decision on that funding will come in June. • I have enjoyed my first session and I am honored to represent District Two. Thank you for this great opportunity. I hope to be in many of the communities of District Two throughout the summer. Please keep me informed as to what is happening in your home towns. • Thank you! • Sincerely, • Chuck Welke • District 2 Senate • chuckwelke@abe.midco.net • sen.welke@state.sd.us • PO Box 166, Warner, SD 57479-0166 • 605-229-1467 (H) • 605-216-1467 (C) •