Friday,  March 29, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 253 • 8 of 34 •  Other Editions

Groton Area High School Mock Crash Exercise

• The Groton Area High School is hosting a mock crash exercise on the morning of Wednesday, April 10 at the high school.  The event is intended to inform our students of the perils of drinking and distracted driving.  The effort takes the support and involvement of multiple agencies including the Brown County Sheriff's Office, SD Highway Patrol, Groton Police Department, Groton Fire and Rescue, Aberdeen Fire Rescue,  Avera St. Lukes, Brown County Emergency Management,  Paetznick-Garness Funeral Home, Kari Bartling with Kolker Law Firm and is being coordinated by Patti Woods.  Residents of Groton should be advised that there will be sirens and heightened activity including the use of emergency vehicles near and around the high school on the day of the event.
• Honest, age-appropriate conversations between parents and children are critical in preserving the safety of our students.  As such, parents and community members are invited to attend the event scheduled to begin at 8:45 AM on Wednesday April 10th in the GHS Arena parking lot

May Breakfast set for May 1st

• The annual United Methodist May Breakfast is being planned for Wednesday, May 1st, at 11:30 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. The 2013 theme is "Women of Country". The program  will feature special guest stars,  singing your favorite female country hits.
•  Chairpersons are Gloria Pharis and Kelli Hanson, general; Kim Weber, Jane Johnson, Anita Lowary, Meri Erickson, Carol Knecht, Eugenia Strom, Jolene Townsend, Carna Atherton -Pray, and Marva Gellhaus, program, door prizes and fellowship hall; Rose Tewksbury, Marjorie Overacker, Jeanne Wanous, and Pat Dahlquist, kitchen; Clare Brotherton and DeLoris Knoll, reservations; Sharon Wheeting, Yvonne Lange, Chis Nyberg, Jan Raap, and JoAnn Krueger, dining room; Doris Zoellner and Darlys Kampa, coffee; Twila Ruden and Kay Brandt, advertising; Clare Brotherton and Jeanne Wanous, registration table; and everyone on cleanup.
•  The proceeds will go toward funding the United Methodist Women's program and action which includes spiritual growth, membership and nurture outreach, social action, education, and interpretation, and other functional committees of program resources and nominations. The missional scope is global, conference wide, and local.

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