Friday, March 29, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 253 • 2 of 34 • Other Editions
District looks at new ambulance
• A new ambulance may soon be Groton's future. A special meeting of the Groton Fire District board was held Thursday evening to discuss the possibility of purchasing a used ambulance from the Aberdeen City. • The new ambulance has been a goal of the fire district for a couple of years and the money has been set aside for just this purpose. • "I want to commend this board for looking ahead," board member Rod Kappes said. "We planned for this purchase and have set the money aside for it." • The new ambulance is a new model of the ambulance Groton currently uses. It is a 2003 E450 with just over 86,000 miles. The ambulance is currently one of five used by Aberdeen. The Groton board voted to make an offer to the City of Aberdeen
to purchase the ambulance. The purchase would take place sometime in May or June when Aberdeen's new ambulance is in place. • In other business, the board discussed the condition of the Bath Station pumper truck. The tires on the front end are the original tires and the treads are all but worn off. • "They need to be replaced," Presi