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GROTON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT #06-6 School Board Meeting Agenda March 25, 2013 - 8:00 PM GHS Science Room (#308) of East Side Addition
• 1. Call to Order with members present. Approve agenda as proposed or amended. • OLD/CONTINUING BUSINESS: • 1. Open Forum for Public Participation…in accordance with Board Policy & Guidelines. • 2. Program "Overview" Presentations: • Science: Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Gonsoir, Mrs. Kippley, Mr. Kurth, Mrs. Sternhagen • English/Language Arts/Reading: Mrs. Hanten, Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. Schmit, Mrs. Seibel • 3. School Board Committee Reports: • Buildings, Grounds, & Transportation: Lars Hanson, Marty Weismantel • Committee meeting postponed to 04/08/13 - 6:30 PM • Personnel, Policy, & Curriculum: Dorene Nelson, Joy Voss • Negotiations: Kelly Kjelden, Steve Schaller, Steve Smith • 4. Administrative Reports: (a) School Lunch Menu Certification Completion, (b) Purchase of iPads for Teachers, (c) Principals' Reports • 5. Follow-up discussion regarding the length of the school day for 2013-2014. • 6. Discuss the board's position on whether or not to reinstate any additional level of funding for the four programs (cheerleading, debate, Destination Imagination, and golf) cut as a result of state of South Dakota's 2011-2012 budget cuts to education. • NEW BUSINESS: • 1. Discuss request from Mr. Dalchow for the district to provide summer school services for students identified in need of reading/math intervention and ELL services…approximate cost of $1,200-$1,500. • 2. Discuss, with possible approval, Mrs. Kippley's request to take Spanish II students to Spain during the summer of 2014. • 3. Declare various items as surplus….listing of items available on Monday night. • 4. Executive Session…to discuss personnel, staffing, upcoming negotiations, and superintendent's evaluation. • 5. Discuss, with possible approval, Malerie Yeaton's request to go part-time for the 2013-2014 school year. • 6. Other items, as may be appropriate or as deemed necessary. • ADJOURN •