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in the evening. • "Negotiations are at a very delicate phase," government spokesman Christos Stylianides said in a statement. "The situation is very difficult and the margins very limited." • Cyprus has been told it must raise 5.8 billion euros ($7.5 billion) in order to secure 10 billion euros in rescue loans from other European countries that use the single currency, as well as from the IMF. • The IMF, European Central Bank and European Commission -- known as the troika -- will determine whether the plan that the Cypriots devise will meet the requirements for any international bailout package. Then, the plan is to be presented to the eurozone finance ministers for final approval. • ___
NYC mayor announces $12M gun control ad buy targeting senators before legislation debate
• NEW YORK (AP) -- A new $12 million television ad campaign from Mayors Against Illegal Guns will push senators in key states to back gun control efforts, including comprehensive background checks. • New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the ad buy Saturday -- just days after Senate Democrats touted stronger background checks while acknowledging insufficient support to restore a ban on assault-style weapons to federal gun control legislation. • "These ads bring the voices of Americans -- who overwhelmingly support comprehensive and enforceable background checks -- into the discussion to move senators to immediately take action to prevent gun violence," Bloomberg said in a statement issued by the group he co-founded in 2006. • The two ads posted on the group's website, called "Responsible" and "Family," show a gun owner holding a rifle while sitting on the back of a pickup truck. • In one ad, the man says he'll defend the Second Amendment but adds "with rights come responsibilities." The ad then urges viewers to tell Congress to support background checks. • ___
Police: Boris Berezovsky, self-exiled Russian tycoon and Putin rival, found dead in England
• LONDON (AP) -- Boris Berezovsky, a self-exiled and outspoken Russian tycoon (Continued on page 22)