• Landsat 8 acquired the images on Monday using its operational land imager and thermal infrared sensor instruments. • Project scientist Jim Irons at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., says the team is excited about this first collection of simultaneous imagery. They confirm healthy, functioning sensors that survived the rigors of launch. •
Rapid City officer cleared in suspect shooting
• RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) -- A Rapid City police officer who shot and wounded a man who allegedly threatened officers with a butcher knife has been cleared of any wrongdoing, the attorney general said Thursday. • A Division of Criminal Investigation probe concluded that Officer Jerry Moore was justified in shooting Elijah White Magpie on Feb. 21, Attorney General Marty Jackley said in a statement. • Authorities allege that White Magpie had been using alcohol and marijuana before he threw a rock through a window at the city library, shattered a window in a parked van, threatened Moore and attacked another officer, Marc Black. Black was knocked to the ground after he unsuccessfully tried to stop White Magpie with a Taser. • "Officer Black indicated he was concerned for his safety; might die or be seriously injured," the DCI report said. "He said he was in fear for his life." • Moore fired six shots at White Magpie, hitting him twice, according to the report. Four bullets were recovered at the scene, one was removed from White Magpie by doctors, and "the sixth bullet remains in White Magpie's body," the report said. • White Magpie initially was listed in critical condition after the incident. He was released from the hospital earlier this month and taken to jail. He appeared in court in a wheelchair on Monday and entered not guilty pleas to charges of attempted murder, aggravated assault on a police officer and intentional damage to public and private property. He could face more than 50 years in prison if convicted. •
SD governor signs bill for state park improvements
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Gov. Dennis Daugaard has signed a bill that provides $4 (Continued on page 26)