will drop out of the early evening sky. That will be the time to see the celestial crab in all its glory. The trick is to find the bright stars in the moon's vicinity tonight and use them to locate Cancer in a dark sky. Cancer fills the section of sky between the Gemini stars Castor and Pollux, and Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion. • By the way, the brightest star in the evening sky tonight is no star at all but the planet Jupiter. It'll be high in the south to southwest sky at dusk and early evening as seen from mid-northern latitudes. (From the Southern Hemisphere, look for Jupiter in the northern sky at nightfall.) • Jupiter, the moon, the constellation Cancer and all the stars - as always - will move westward across the sky tonight. They do so for the same reason that the sun goes westward during the day. The Earth rotates eastward on its axis, making it appear as if these heavenly bodies are moving westward. But it's really Earth that's doing the moving. • Use the moon to locate the constellation Cancer tonight, and in late March and early April, use key stars to star-hop to Cancer in a dark sky. •