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provide more storage space. • At the start of the meeting, Topper Tostad gave a presentation on Stop-Fyre fire extinguishers. These extinguishers do not use dry chemicals like most extinguishers, so are more environmentally friendly and do not cause damage to any surfaces like the chemical extinguishers do. The board is looking to upgrade the extinguishers, or replace, the ones currently used. They will consider the Stop-Fyre, but they are a little more expensive. To help off-set the price, it is a one-time payment where the current dry chemical extinguishers have to be inspected each year and replaced every six years. • The Groton Firemen are currently selling tickets to the Spring Social to be held on April 20 at the fire hall. This is their annual fundraiser to help defer costs for a wide variety of service projects the firemen do throughout the year. Tickets can be purchased from any Groton fireman.
• -Char Telkamp