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of a certain young lady I chanced to meet. It was then that my idea of bliss radically changed forever. • After getting married I realized just how uncivilized by behavior had been up to this point. Fortunately, for me, my bride was more than willing to take up the challenge of nurturing me to a more civilized behavior. • I would not say that she has been overwhelmingly successful in this attempt, however. I am a lot more civilized today than I was prior, which has to count for something. • One of the things that she attributes to civilized behavior has to do with cleanliness, in particular, clean clothes. For some reason she has a fetish that everything has to be cleaned. In my uncivilized days, I had more of a fetish about saving water. Through the years, her persistence has paid off and I have come to the place that I really appreciate clean clothes. • Of course, there is a discrepancy in what each of us deem as clean. • For me, clean is when it passes the sniff test. As long as I cannot smell anything on my shirt, I consider it clean. My wife, on the other hand, believes that if you wear a piece of clothing one time it ceases to be clean. • Then there are spots. If a spot is on my shirt where nobody else can see it, I consider the shirt clean. After all, appearance is what really counts. However, my wife believes any and every spot renders a shirt unclean. • This brings me to the subject at hand. That is, the proper etiquette for eating an ice cream sundae. It appears, so I am told, that the correct way to eat an ice cream (Continued on page 20)