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always Crapo. • In the 113th Congress, you can find Waters, Brooks, and Meadows, as well as a Cook, Boxer, Gardner, Hunter and a Barber. There are also three (jolly?) Rogers in the group. But despite touting a Pastor and several Bishops, no Christian is listed on the Congressional roll from any of the 50 states. • Some members could possibly claim presidential heritage since the group boasts a Carter, Kennedy, Buchanan, Wilson, McKinley, and Johnson. But, unfortunately for closet Confederates out there, Geoff Davis of Kentucky resigned last year. • With the retirement of Rep. Austria, the international crowd is represented by Daines, some Scotts, Senator Deutch, and Reps. Israel and Jordan (not surprisingly, on opposite sides of the aisle). • Many other members share well-known names, including a Lewis and Clarke, several Mr. Rogers, and a Daniel Webster. And let's not forget a bunch of Bradys. Louisiana has Reps. Alexander and Fleming, and there's also Democratic stars Warren and Beatty. Other namesake veterans from the world of entertainment that didn't make it back to the 113th Congress including Joe Walsh and Jerry Lewis, but Al Green did. Bachmann and Turner returned, too, but they still lack Overdrive. • In the previous Congress, Democratic Senators Bill and Ben Nelson usually voted along party lines. But since Ben's retirement, the Democrat votes are now reduced to a Half Nelson. • On the House floor, Rep. Slaughter is known for her killer speeches, while Rep. Cleaver's wit can quickly cut an opponent down to size. And can Rep. Petri dish it out at times, too? He sure can bug his opponents. It's just a pity Sen. Lugar was defeated in his Republican primary, as he had a reputation for being a straight shooter.
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