Last of Dakotas hoops teams lose at NAIA nationals
• JAMESTOWN, N.D. (AP) -- All the teams from the Dakotas that made the NAIA Division II basketball tournaments have been bounced out. • The Jamestown College women made it to the Sweet Sixteen but lost to Eastern Oregon 76-62 in Sioux City, Iowa. The Dakota State men made it to the Elite Eight but lost 72-59 to Grace over the weekend in Point Lookout, Mo. • Four other teams from the Dakotas lost in earlier rounds at the national tournaments: the Jamestown men, the Mayville State women and the Valley City State men and women. •
Travel difficult in parts of Dakotas after snow
• ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP) -- Some schools in northeastern South Dakota are starting classes late after snow and ice over the weekend. • The American News reports that bad roads led to a number of vehicles in the ditch in the region and at least two rollover accidents. No serious injuries were reported. • National Weather Service reports show that several inches of snow fell in parts of northeastern South Dakota and southeastern North Dakota. Some areas got half a foot. • Transportation officials issued a travel alert for southeastern North Dakota, telling motorists they could still travel but warning them that driving might be difficult. •
SDSU geography convention set for this week
• BROOKINGS, S.D. (AP) -- The nation's oldest student-organized geography convention will begin this week at South Dakota State University. • The South Dakota State Geography Convention will run Thursday and Friday at the Volstorff Ballroom in the SDSU's Student Union. This is the 44th year for the convention. • On Friday, SDSU alumnus Dean Gesch from the Earth Resources Observation and Science Center will discuss the consequences of rising sea levels. SDSU professor David P. Roy and assistant professor Trisha Jackson are scheduled to present lectures on land remote sensing and sustainable food systems respectively.
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