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to..." • How she came to this point, I'm not quite sure. No matter what I do, she still holds to this personal opinion of me. I keep telling her that I am not that good of an actor, which she keeps smiling and nodding her head in my direction. • Some examples need to be given here to show my point. • Just the other night we were at a restaurant with some friends, having a good time, or so I thought. I must say when I'm on a roll, I'm on a roll. But all during my "roll," I kept feeling somebody under the table kicking me. I ignored it thinking perhaps our friends did not quite know what they were doing. Never once did I suspicion my companion with this action. I kept rolling on. • Finally, both of them excused themselves to take a break and when they were out of listening distance, my wife said to me, "Will you stop acting so foolish?" • I looked at her, not quite knowing what she was referring to, and said quite inno