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measure fails to address key issues. • Rob Monson is the executive director of School Administrators of South Dakota. He says the so-called school sentinels bill fails to look at school building safety, mental health and fire and emergency response. • He says the organization was hoping the legislature would look at doing a more comprehensive study of school safety and "not sort of jump right into arming people in our schools and thinking that is the answer to it all." • South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed the measure into law Friday. It's the first of its kind since the deadly school shooting in December in Newtown, Conn. •
Rep.: Conn. shooting 'affirmed' need for new law
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The sponsor of a bill signed into law Friday that allows the state's school districts to arm teachers and other personnel with guns says the school shooting in Connecticut was not the reason for the bill. • Rep. Scott Craig says he started working with federal law enforcement officials on the so-called school sentinels bill in early November. He says the December shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn., "only affirmed the rightness of this bill." • South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed the bill into law Friday. It will go into effect July 1. The law is the first of its kind since the Connecticut school shooting. • Scott, a Republican from Rapid City, says the measure does not force teachers to carry a gun. •
AP News in Brief All eyes on opposition leader Henrique Capriles as election set to replace Hugo Chavez
• CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Opposition leader Henrique Capriles must make what could be the most important decision of his political life, now that Venezuela's elections commission has called an April 14 vote to pick a successor to the late Hugo Chavez. • The 40-year-old state governor is expected to announce on Sunday whether he will run against Chavez's hand-picked successor, who's a heavy favorite amid lingering sympathy for the charismatic president. • The stakes are high: A defeat for Capriles just six months after he lost the presi (Continued on page 29)