Middle School team earns the DaVinci Award
• Groton's middle school Challenge C team won the DaVinci Award for their creativity in the use of Duck Tape on the props they made. The award reads like this - "The paths we follow on our journeys were once uncharted and unknown - until someone took a bold step in a new direction and paved a way for us to follow. To solve our Challenges imagination, creativity, originality and courage are required. We honor those individuals and teams who most clearly demonstrate that spirit of adventurous risk in their solutions - those who most creatively traveled to reach truly new and unique destinations. The DaVinci Award is named to honor one of humanity's greatest creative thinkers, Leonardo DaVinci. " • Criteria - This award is given for having a unique approach to a solution, for risk taking and/or for outstanding creativity (not for skill or talent) • Their coach, Joann Donley said, "That is the award my team won!!!!! The DaVince!!! I am SO proud of them!!!" • Back row, Hannah Lewandowski, Sidney Donovan, Emma Donley Front Row - Madison Sippel, AnneMarie Smith. (Photo #5181 by Paul Kosel)