Rising Stars team celebrate ROY G BIV's birthday
• These children consist of kindergarten, first and second grade children. These students only compete at the Regional competition. They do not go onto state or Worlds. This is the early learning portion of the DI program. This years challenge was entitled "ROY G BIV". The children learned about the 7 colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet). They had to create a play about ROY G BIV's birthday party and dress ROY G BIV in all the colors of the rainbow and dress the guests in their favorite colors. Each guest brings a gift to the party, these gifts are then put together and they will create something new in celebration of ROY G BIV's birthday. The skit is to be no longer than 8 minutes. • Back row left - Abby Jensen, Hannah Monson, Middle row Jeslyn Kosel, Jillian Hughes, Ryan Groeblinghoff Front row, Kamryn Fliehs and Ian Kyar Coaches, Joni Groeblinghoff and JoAnn Fliehs (children receive awards for participation at this level) (Photo #5187 by Paul Kosel)